August 12, 2009

His Blood Remains: Communion - Part I

In I John 1:9 the Word declares that, "If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Here John is addressing the believers of his day- those who had already confessed Christ as their Lord and saviour. He is expressing to them that God earnestly desires to forgive and cleanse them from sins committed- even after salvation. God's love, faithfulness, and integrity is exemplified in his willingness to do such. But why? Why is forgiveness and cleansing still so important to God even after a person is saved?

The answer is simply this - communion (e.g. fellowship). God has always wanted to have perfect communion and fellowship with his crowning creation- MANKIND (Gen. 3:8).

However, for believers- sin interrupts this communion and breaks the fellowship. Of course for the non-believer- no relationship, communion, or fellowship even exists.

You see, God doesn't want anything to hinder or interrupt his communion with you. During intimate communion with you he can clearly speak His agenda, instruction, direction, wisdom, and prayer answers directly to your spirit.

"To him, prolonged hindered communion with you means a hindered agenda through you."

Therefore, sin- the cause of the interruption, must be addressed for full communion and fellowship to be restored. The believer's part is confession or the acknowledgment of the interruption. Note that the scripture says, "IF" we confess... It is our responsibility to get the ball rolling with our mouth. God will take it from there.

As mentioned earlier God responds to the acknowledged interruption as such:
to forgive (send away) sin and cleanse (remove guilt and shame). God gladly does this because the blood of Christ remains on the mercy seat in heaven. If sin exists anywhere then blood must exists for its removal (Heb. 9:11-13, 22).

Fellowship, commune, and bask in God's presence today and everyday. Besides, this is suppose to be the norm for the believer. [I encourage everyone to check out Elton Taylor Jr's blog on "In GOD's Presence at"]

Finally, when we pray lets remember to acknowledge any known and unknown (unconscious) interruptions. (Ps. 19:12 AMP).

In His Service,