October 6, 2012

A Busybody, An Electronic One

Good people, I pray that all is going well with each of you. 

In this script segment, I'd like to highlight a Biblical topic which usually doesn't gain a lot of attention. I call it, "The Electronic Busybody." In an age where people put such disdaining emphasis on sins that are easily identifiable such as adultery, fornication, violence, witchcraft, etc. this topic is often overlooked. Interestingly enough, busybodies are not overlooked by God in the Scripture.

2 Thessalonians 3:11 - For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
1 Timothy 5:13 - And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.
1 Peter 4:15 - But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.

As many of us know, this is the age of innovation and technology which has undoubtedly been a great benefit to all humanity. We are now able to get work done and plan activities faster and more efficient than in previous decades. Many of the previous decades' ways of communicating and handling business have now faded into distant memory, making way for the Internet, email, texting, mobile apps, and other ways to communicate with others in real-time. We now also have social media forums such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, and others which let us establish personal pages to connect with our family, friends, peers, and organizations. These are great tools that help us interact and stay in touch with those we care for, especially where there is great physical distance.

Unfortunately, some, even among Christians have perverted the use of these media. Many have chosen to use them as tools to secretly snoop around and investigate what's going on in the lives of others. This of course, is the wrong use of these media, particularly for the Christian. Such a person is actually an "electronic busybody."

But, what specifically is a busybody? formal dictionaries define it as: (a) a person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others; a messy person (b) an officious or meddling investigative person; a gossiper, (c) a person that snoops in or examines the affairs of others, (d) a nosy person who seeks or searches for information on another person's life, and (e) a person who eavesdrops solely for information about others.

Biblical Greek defines it as:
(a) Strongs 244: allotrioepiskopos; from allotrios, meaning a meddler, a pryer into others' affairs.
(b) Strongs 4021: periergos; denoting one "taken up with trifles," or trivial matters which concern another, wicked curiosity
(c) Strongs 4020: periergazomai, lit., "to be working round about, instead of at one's own business" (peri, "around," ergon, "work"), signifies to take more pains than enough about a thing, to waste one's labor, to be meddling with, or bustling about, other people's matters. This may be produced in a free rendering: "some who are not busied in their own business, but are overbusied in that of others."

What foolishness! That may be fine for unbelievers and those who are against our faith...but certainly not for Christians. We should be focusing on INspiring people, not INvestigating people.

Honestly ask yourself the following questions:
  • Can I truly say that I am not a busybody...not even an electronic one?
  • Is it important for me to know other people's business or to keep up with what's going on in their lives?
  • Am I so aware of what God is up to in my own daily life that I have sufficient time to investigate another's life?
  • Do I often talk foolishly or negatively about other people or what's happening in their lives?
  • Do I seek or snoop around on other people's social media pages?
  • Do I have any relationships (e.g. friends, family, etc.) that help feed my appetite to know the affairs of other people? Do I feed others' appetite in the same way?
  • What are my conversations USUALLY about - other people, myself, God, etc.?
  • Can I go a day, week, or month without looking at another's social media page SOLELY for information about them?
  • Do I become sensitive, excited, and really interested when someone is negatively talking about someone else?
  • Do I feel good or feel a sense of control when I know something personal about someone else, of which they don't "know that I know"?
If anything in that list even remotely reflects you; do whatever it takes to change it, today! God needs more of your attention. Going forward, aim to mind (put your mind on) your own business because you ARE missing out on what God is up to in your own life!

Don't be guilty of always seeing someone else's life clearer than you see your own.

As a final note, consider our Savior, Jesus Christ. He never sought, snooped around in, investigated, or gossiped about other people. He never even talked negatively about others unless it was the religious leaders (e.g. Pharisees, Sadducees, etc.) of His day. Even then, His speech was exclusive to their doctrine and false religiosity. Jesus is who we are to be like and re-present accordingly.
Be sure to share this script with others. As Christians we have too much work to do for the Kingdom of God to be involved in any busybody activities.

Peace be with you!

September 27, 2012

Don't Make him Proud!

The devil is full of sin and pride and has been since the beginning. The Bible makes it clear that it was his pride that caused him to become antagonistic toward the God of creation (Ezekiel 28:17). That said, there is nothing that he'd like more than to continue to show off his pride in utter rebellion towards God. But get this...since he's been evicted from staying in Heaven, now he uses humans to disrespect God.

Yes, all sin is disrespectful towards God.

We must remember that the real battle is between good and evil, righteousness and unrighteousness, the Kingdom of God or Light and the kingdom of Satan or darkness. So today, begin a journey and lifestyle of greater prayer and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. This will help you stay in the will of God more often in your behavior and words. Whatever you do, don't make the devil proud!

Begin asking yourself? - Who will this action, inaction, word, or silence impress - God or the devil?

August 21, 2012

God Will Reward The Good You Do

Hebrews 6:10 - For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Things to consider from this scripture
- God keeps track of ALL the good you do and will reward it, particularly what you do in His name.
- The good you do will produce positive fruit in the lives of others.
- Your fruit will outlast you. Others will benefit for years to come from the good you do. They may not remember what you did but God will!
- God designed it so that you wouldn't get all your accolades on this side of Heaven - God is not going to let man celebrate you better than He will.
- When you're dealing with God, uncommon faithfulness will always get you uncommon blessings.
If you take care of what touches the heart of God he’ll take care of what touches your heart.

All, be encouraged and continue doing good.

August 3, 2012

Prayer for the Unreached Nations

Good people,

I mentioned late last year that this year I would be praying all year long for the unreached nations and lands around the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ still has yet to reach thousands of people. Please join me in this prayer effort.

Right below you'll find two organization's websites that I've subscribed to in order to receive detailed information about a different unreached nation every day. Please subscribe at your earliest convenience. Additionally, if your church or ministry has a missionary group please support it.

Joshua Project

Operation World

Additionally, here's a quick sample prayer for you to use. You can print it out and to have it with you.

Father God,

Thank you for the awesome privilege to pray, hear, and receive from you. You are a great God and Father and I appreciate you. Right now, I pray for the unreached nations and lands across the world. I pray that you would send spiritual laborers along their path to begin sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. I also pray that you would sensitize the people's hearts and cause them to become receptive to the truth of Jesus Christ. Provide whatever tools and resources (e.g. Bibles, audio, video, etc.) necessary for them to hear, receive, and continue following Jesus Christ. Additionally, I pray that you would meet any physical or national needs they have. Abundantly help and protect them. Also, bless and keep those laborers, missionaries, and their families who are doing this great work of evangelism. Cause them to never be without.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray,


August 2, 2012

If God Was Like You...

"You cannot love God and hate people at the same time. If you truly desire a heavenly experience with God here on earth, provide others with a heavenly experience."

Folks, may we never become weary of working with God to become better representatives of Him. He is counting on us to continually reveal what He is like to others.

Think with me for a moment...

If God Was Like You...would you love Him?

Consider the following:
  • If God only gave to you as you give to others, would you love Him?
  • If God's job/career was to take care of you and He did it the same way you take care of your job/career, would you love Him?
  • If God was a parent to you like you are to your children, would you love Him?
  • If God withheld forgiveness from you as you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God retaliated against you in the ways (subtle or direct) that you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God stopped talking to you or acted funny every time He wasn't pleased with your actions, would you love Him?
  • If God failed to respond to your needs in the same way you fail to respond to the needs of others, would you love Him?
  • If God avoided you like you avoid others, would you love Him?
  • If God was hard to deal with as you are sometimes, would you love Him?
  • If God gossiped about you behind your back like you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as unreliable as you are at times, would you love Him?
  • If God didn't support you as you don't others, would you love Him?
  • If God forgot you as you do the things done for you by others, would you love Him?
  • If God didn't protect you or your character as you don't others, would you love Him?
  • If God knew He could help you but purposely chose not to as you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as critical of you as you are of others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as impatient with you as you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was dishonest with you like you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God disrespected you as you do with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was quickly angered with you as you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as ______ as you, would you love? You fill in the blank
Now I know reading some of those bullets may have been challenging if you really stopped and considered them (and you should have). Nevertheless, don't despair. Yes, Biblical self-examination must go deep in order to be effective but God really wants to help you be all that you should.

Remember Philippians 4:13 - is a promise from God to help us achieve our very best.

So people of God, the message is simple: If you wouldn't love God if He acted like you, why not start changing to act like Him?

Today, challenge yourself to grow up in a way that you wouldn't yesterday. You, God, and ultimately others will be glad you did!


July 11, 2012

Let God Testify!

Being good or exemplary at anything is always based on the standard by which that thing should be done. For the Christian, we should be known by our good works so that our Father God in Heaven can be glorified in the earth (Matthew 5:16). Although we're imperfect our aim should be towards perfection (Colossians 3:23).

Moreover, our Father God is the only one who can truly and righteously judge whether we're doing well on the things we're suppose to. He is our Father and also our Lord- owner. As our owner, He has the right to evaluate our Christian performance on the earth. Remember, He's ready and willing to help us carry out His will at all times. Just as employers do performance evaluations on their employees periodically, God is also looking at how well we're carrying out His words. He's not just waiting until we get to Heaven to tell us.

Go ahead, ask God today about how well you're doing at what He's placed in your hands or jurisdiction. He's ready and willing to graciously guide you. I asked Him myself a couple of weeks back and got an answer and His guidance almost immediately. Praise God! He helped me.

Now, consider with me how God periodically communicated the result of His oversight of Jesus' life and work while He was still on earth. If you review the scriptures, you can also find others who received God's report about how they were doing with His plans.

Matthew 3:17 - And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
John 5:37 - And the Father who sent me has testified about me himself. You have never heard his voice or seen him face to face.
1 John 5:9 - We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son.
2 Peter 1:17 - For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.

You see, we really can't just go around giving ourselves a ton of rewards, trophies, and pats on the back if God wouldn't testify to our assessments. Sometimes we overstate things in our personal evaluations while at other times we understate them. The point is that our personal evaluations of ourselves can't be fully relied on. The only assessment that matters is God's. Believe what God believes about you and get to know what God knows about you. God's love for you is great and will never change- No matter what! His being pleased with your life and work is a completely different subject. Therefore, this is worth some of our focus. We are alive to please Him.

Today, just simply ask God. He wants to help you please Him. Isn't that wonderful?! He's not out to criticize, kill, or destroy you but wants the best for you in every way. If you ask Him, He'll tell you the truth and provide you with the guidance you need. Praise God!

So what about the roles you play in this life?


Child (living at home): Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good or obedient child based on what He's told you and on what your parent/guardian(s) have rightly told you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Employee: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good employee based on what He's told you and on what your supervisor/employee rightly expects of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Church Member: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good church member based on what He's told you and on what your pastor/church leaders have rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Spouse: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good husband or a good wife based on what He's told you and on what your wife or husband has rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Friend: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good friend based on what He's told you and on what your friend(s) have rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Your Overall Christian Life: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're on track to complete what He placed you on earth to accomplish? Ask God and he'll help you today.

So folks, let's cut the personal reward programs out and allow God to judge how well we're doing and help us be able to say at the end of our lives what both Jesus and the Apostle Paul were able to say - "I have finished my course." -  John 19:30, 2 Timothy 4:7

God bless.

May 31, 2012

Straight Biblical Talk in a Crooked World

Greetings everyone,

I mentioned in a scheduled tweet earlier today that I'll soon be beginning a blog series that will run concurrent with my other regular topical posts. These new blog posts will speak directly to the heart of many issues that are often overlooked. Unfortunately, sometimes what is continually overlooked comes back to haunt.

For those reading this who are Christians, know that we have inherited victory and blessings from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now we must contend for the faith and press forward to actualize this victory in our everyday lives. Moreover, these posts will not only seek to uncover some of these issues, but to present direct biblical solutions and considerations to help.

As Jesus did when He walked the dusty streets of Galilee and surrounding areas, we too should always be found sharing the truth of God's Word in an uncompromising way. Straight Biblical talk in a crooked world is necessary. Notwithstanding, we don't have to be brash or harsh in our presentation. We just need to ensure that the truth which liberates (if accepted) is shared IN LOVE.

Look forward to the first post of this series coming soon!

God bless,

May 28, 2012

Fault Lines

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. - Galatians 6:1

According to geologists- those who study the elements and makeup of the earth, a fault line is a long crack in the surface of the earth where earthquakes usually occur. It is the intersection between the fault plane and the Earth's surface.

According to Psalm 51:5, mankind was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. He was born a sinner and completely guilty before God. Yes, before we ever spoke a word, took a step, or rode a bike we were guilty of sin, full of faults, inadequacies, and wickedness. Unfortunately, today many people compare their sins to other people's sins. Some think that because they haven't committed certain sins that they're better off or that their sins are somehow less evil than others. Well, God has something to say about these foolish comparisons:

2 Corinthians 10:12b - ...but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 1 John 5:17a - All unrighteousness is sin...

Moreover, an investigation of our keystone verse [Galatians 6:1] above reveals that when a person has fallen into sin (a fault) or made a mistake, Christians (those who are spiritual) should be compassionately forgiving towards that person. The central thought and disposition shouldn't be to condemn, criticize, or mistreat the person. The person, especially if a Christian, is likely already grappling with remorse, frustration, and/or condemnation from the devil. They don't need our attitude and criticism to make matters worse. Although this should be enough of a command from God to get us to be kind to the violator, God takes the command a step further.

Note the latter part of the verse says, "considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." The interpretation is that what caused the person to fall into sin can also cause you to fall into sin. The reason?! - Each of us possess ALL the ingredients to commit ANY and EVERY sin. Romans 7:18a states, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells NO good thing or nothing good...(emphasis mine). That means that our flesh (unregenerate human nature) is poised to endorse and subscribe to any kind of evil at any time. Yes, ALL sin is already in us. Even as Christians our flesh is still completely evil without remedy. This means, murder, lying, homosexuality, rape, abuse, stealing, envy, jealousy, witchcraft, bestiality, etc. - are all apart of the flesh. We must remember that it is our spirit that is saved, not our flesh!

So in layman's terms what is this whole verse saying? Like the earth, all of us have the SAME fault lines or cracks in our flesh and character where given the right conditions and pressures we'd fall into ANY sin. This is why we can't be critical or condemning of any one's faults. Doing so would be to indirectly suggest that we're incapable of doing the same. Even more, sometimes we're already guilty of having committed the same sin anyway. Just like the right pressure under the surface of the earth causes the fault lines to move; so does the right pressure cause our fault lines to move. Think about this- a moving fault line is called an earthquake. Selah!

Finally, as noted above, mankind was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. He was born a sinner and completely guilty before God, in desperate need of a saviour. That Saviour came in none other than the person Jesus Christ. His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection secured salvation for all who believe in Him by faith (John 3: 16; Romans 10:9-13).

For those of us who do believe and have accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour we are forever saved and will one day be allowed to enter Heaven free from all guilt (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

May we all finalize this reasoning deep within our spirits: since in our flesh we continue to possess the SAME fault lines as others--- let's be patient, forgiving, merciful, and helpful to others who fall into their fault lines.

God bless,

January 2, 2012


Happy New Year everyone!

I pray God's choice blessings for each of you this year. Just below, I've included some informal notes from a message the Lord gave to me for believers in 2012. Enjoy and have a Heavenly 2012!

You are not as poor as the land you are in, but as rich as the country you are from.

Luke 10:17-20 - 17[And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.] 18[And he said unto them, ] I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
  • "Names are written in heaven." The names of citizens of a city or state were accustomed to be written in a book or register, from which they were blotted out when they became unworthy, or forfeited the favour of their country.
  • They were as citizens possessing the full privileges and rights of the commonwealth.
  • The first time you were born, you were born a citizen of the country in which you were born. When you were born-again you became a citizen of HEAVEN.
  • BORN-AGAIN- literally means "born from above".
Colossians 1:9-13 - 9[For this cause we also, since the day we heard ] it[, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;] 10[That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;] 11[Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;] 12[Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:] 13[Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated ] us[ into the kingdom of his dear Son:]
  • We were former slaves and peasants in the kingdom of darkness with no rights, privileges, or authority. Now, we've been granted rights, privileges, and authority in another kingdom- HEAVEN.
  • A kingdom is a form of government concerned with rights, privileges, and authority for its citizens.
Ephesians 2:19 - 19Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God.
  • We are kingdom of Heaven citizens right NOW!
  • Religion teaches people to wait until they get to Heaven to enjoy what they have rights to NOW!
Philippians 3:18-20 - 18[(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, ] that they are[ the enemies of the cross of Christ:] 19[Whose end ] is[ destruction, whose God ] is their[ belly, and ] whose[ glory ] is[ in their shame, who mind earthly things.)] 20For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
  • Conversation = Citizenship = rights, privileges, and authority.
    • Citizenship is a legal status. It doesn't matter how a person feels about you or how you feel about another person. If their citizenship is in Heaven then they're apart of God Himself.
    • Even God can't forsake your citizenship...He'll never leave or forsake you.
    • Of course, we have dual-citizenship - Heaven and Earth
  • The BIBLE is our Constitution stating all our rights, privileges, and authority AND it includes examples of other citizens applying the principles and executing their rights and privileges.
    • It is a legal document and everything it says is ours- LEGALLY...that's why when the enemy takes from you it's called stealing because it doesn't belong to him. He has no right, privilege, or authority to have it.
    • The more you know of these rights and privileges, the less you allow to be stolen from you by the enemy. Ignorance will rob you of the abundant life that is freely available to you.
    • If you focus on the earth and its resources then you'll always be limited by it!
    • You are either limited or unlimited by what you believe!
  • Vs. 19 - stop making Earth your first 1st reaction to trouble...Adam & Eve sowing fig leaves
    • Set your affections on things above.
    • Take your mind off just the Earth...prodigal son's realization = Condition vs. Position
    • It is possible to live a Heavenly lifestyle around Earthly conditions.
    • On purpose, reject any conditions that's not like your country- HEAVEN!
Ephesians 1:3-4 - 3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
  • Jesus' ascension re-introduced us to Heaven's blessings.
  • These blessings reside in the Lord Himself; whereas we reside also.
Ephesians 2:5-6 - 5Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6[And hath raised ] us[ up together, and made ] us[ sit together in heavenly ] places[ in Christ Jesus:]
  • If seated, then we are resting in the finished work of Christ.
  • We are seated in a position of honor with Him that rescued us.
  • No lack there.
  • No sickness or disease there.
  • No defeat talk there..."I can't" and "I doubt".
  • Because Christ did, we can overcome the devil everywhere we meet him no matter what the test.
  • We have power over all sin. Sinning is a choice not a demand!
  • We can [and should] live from a point of authority on Earth.
ROMANS 8:37 - We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us- not only over sin and Satan, but the world, the reproaches, afflictions, disease, and lack.