September 27, 2012

Don't Make him Proud!

The devil is full of sin and pride and has been since the beginning. The Bible makes it clear that it was his pride that caused him to become antagonistic toward the God of creation (Ezekiel 28:17). That said, there is nothing that he'd like more than to continue to show off his pride in utter rebellion towards God. But get this...since he's been evicted from staying in Heaven, now he uses humans to disrespect God.

Yes, all sin is disrespectful towards God.

We must remember that the real battle is between good and evil, righteousness and unrighteousness, the Kingdom of God or Light and the kingdom of Satan or darkness. So today, begin a journey and lifestyle of greater prayer and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. This will help you stay in the will of God more often in your behavior and words. Whatever you do, don't make the devil proud!

Begin asking yourself? - Who will this action, inaction, word, or silence impress - God or the devil?