June 1, 2009

"Doeth It Not"

James 4:17 says, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

In this verse James is speaking briefly about the sin of "OMISSION". James is calling the believer's attention to the fact that when doing right is omitted, it is sin - especially when the right thing to do is known. Doing 'no thing' in a situation where 'some thing' ought to be done is sin. Of course we should remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit for guidance because it is possible to know what to do but not know exactly how to do it in a given situation. That's where the leading of the Holy Spirit comes in.

Now from another angle, isn't it interesting how easy it is to judge our actions (or non-actions) against the actions or non-actions of others. Consider statements like: "I don't do this", "I don't do that", "I wouldn't do that if", or "I've never done." If we be honest, if faced with the right amount of pressure and/or circumstance we really don't know what we would or wouldn't do. Quickly look at what James says in verse 12: "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?"

Sure, it's great when we omit to do wrong, but what about when we omit to do right? Especially when we've been made aware of the right thing to be done.

Moreover, we all have much Kingdom related work to do. Undoubtedly, if we are spending priceless time judging others and/or ourselves against others we surely can't be getting a whole lot accomplished on our end. Judging and comparing is a big distraction!

"When we keep a 'sin-flashlight' shined on someone else we cease to perform our own God-assigned tasks."

No one has received the anointed appointment by God to be the judge in His stead, therefore all judges robes should be put away. This has to be a personal periodic examination activity because that judges robe can find its way back into your wardrobe easily. We know that within our flesh dwells nothing good (Romans 7:18). Therefore, with our sword in hand (the Word of God), we must wound the flesh wherever we find it alive. Thus, we'll be dying to self, so Christ can be freely expressed.

In the Service of the King,



  1. It's interesting that this blog was written. I was just thinking a few days ago about how I haven't won anybody to Christ in a several months. Neither have I participated in any of the outreach ministries at my church that provide witnessing opportunities. We all get distracted at times, but thanks be to God for his loving reminders- no matter what form they come in.

  2. Great post, we do spend alot of time boasting about what we don't do or have never done that would be considered sin so that we can keep our image in tact. It would be interesting and eye opening if we were honest and kept account of what we don't do that we should be doing and made some much needed corrections. Imagine how many souls we could win to Christ if we put the judges robes away.

  3. This full experience of vacation bible school this week as really opened my eyes even more to the cries of our young generation (speaker included). Youth today do have the word in their hearts but do they have the outlets they need to use that word in a more dominate fashion. We all can learn alot from these kids today. I think this has been a call to make sure that we seek and search for opportunities to be a witness for Christ. You never know what that may turn into (Hint: someone being led to the Lord).


    His Queen

  4. Well I must say this blog is especially close to home for me. I have been developing the area of "doing good" because there is a need present. What I call to attention is what Jesus says in Matthew 5:43-48 which reads,"43Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
    46For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?" Special attention is to be focused on verse 46. I believe many times many times when we consider Christ's commandment to love one another and love the world we tend to obey out of a sense of entitlement.

    First let's understand, as James said "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin" so incorporate our obligation to love one another and love the lost sheep in the world as a "good" executed. We have COMMANDMENT by Jesus Christ to love one another. Now to say that "I can't love that person how can I be held accountable to that?" Well friend you do err not knowing the scriptures.

    Jesus has given us the compacity to love one another.John 17:26(And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me MAY BE IN THEM, and I in them)gives us this parenthesis.So we always have the compacity and opportunity to love even if there is nothing gained from the outpouring of love toward them.We always have opportunity and the compacity to love them because Christ is in us generating what's needful for the body and for strangers outside of the body of Christ. So when you have opportunity to feed the hungry,clother the naked, PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST,and show any form of love and you don't do it,this too is sin to us. Lets love like there's no tomorrow Kingdom Citizens.

    Be Blessed and KUDOS to Min.Wright for comin' wit' it once again.

  5. Great blog, Draper. This actually reminds me of the session of ZOE when we discussed personal insecurity. One of the manifested behaviors of insecure people is "comparison". So, at the the end of the day, I just see those who feel the need to make comparisons as being insecure people.

  6. Draper,

    God is really speaking to you regarding issues I have lacked in recently. But thanks be unto God whom forgives and forgets and allows me an opertunity to get it right with him. This blog has bought tears to my eyes, thanks brother.

    Gianno Caldwell

  7. That's good Draper. It reminds me of something my mom said when we were growing up. When we would not tell her something because we didn't want to tell her what really happened but we didn't like about it either. She told us that was just as bad as lying because it was a lie of omission.
    So simply not doing something you know to do as doing the opposite because it is still sin. According to God, all sin is unrighteousness.
    But there is hope. We don't have to continue down this path. Just do the right thing.

  8. Draper,

    This is great. It reminds me of when you taught on a Wednesday night. It really hit me hard because I knew better, but had no intent of doin better. That is, until you broke down sins of omission. So, great blog. Thanks for going further in breaking down the Word so that others may receive.

  9. Not only is it good character to do what you know is right but choosing to do the opposite weighs on your heart which causes you to have regret:>)


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