June 4, 2009

"GAFGBC Vacation Bible School 2009"

Greetings folks,

I thought this was interesting and worth sharing.

Mrs. Larry and I are teaching six, seven, and eight year old kids in Vacation Bible School (Wilkinson Terrace location). As some of you all know, yesterday's lesson title was "Go Tell" - coming from Matthew 27:26-54, 28:1-10. Of course, that passage deals with Jesus' death and some of the events surrounding it.

Well, there was this six (I repeat six) year old boy in our class that asked the following question about mid-way through the lesson:

"Mr. Wright, I know that blood and water came out of Jesus' body, so did blood come out of one side and water out of the other?"

Now, some adults don't even know about the blood and water which came from Jesus' body when he was pierced in the side. Mrs. Larry and I were pretty amazed by the question. Why would a six year old boy randomly ask such a question? Neither Mrs. Larry or I had mentioned anything about Jesus being pierced in the side. He seemed to already know some of the crucifixion events - even very specific details about it. It showed that he'd had some level of Word exposure. The clincher is that he retained it- again at the age of six. We just had to give him a VBS buck ($5) for such a great question.

Of course Mrs. Larry and I answered the question and continued the lesson, but he wasn't done. He made two other comments during the lesson.

Check it out:

Later, he just volunteered to mention that the captors put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head and pressed it in through his skin to his skull.

Later he volunteered to mention that the captors put a sign on the cross that said "King of the Jews."

And today, another little boy in the class (age 7) said this:

"Mr. Wright, after Jesus was raised from the dead he went back to the cross, gathered up His blood, took it to Heaven and put it on the mercy seat."

Praise God - as we've seen in our own children's ministry these kids can be exposed to the Word and retain it. Now, who does this little boy remind you of? Sounds like Jesus, at the age of twelve when we was in the temple asking and answering law related questions (Luke 2:46-47).

In the service of the King,



  1. Very interesting, we have to put the good stuff in them early.

  2. What a Mighty God we serve!! No matter what's going on in your life always give God a shout out. Cause God always work things out for our good.Praise God for who HE is!!

    Proverbs 3:5-6

  3. And A child shall Lead them...

  4. it sounds like you all are doing some serious teaching.


  5. I'm glad you have the blog spot up; now when I have a question I can post it and get it answered or searched the blog to see if it's been previously discussed.


  6. It reminds me of my nephew. He is 9. And if I told you he remembers everything he hears that would be an understatement. The children are very smart and usually remember everything they hear. So with that being said, Why not teach them the Word? They are not too young and when they are grown they will make a much greater impact on the Kingdom of God and also be that much more of a threat to the devil's kingdom.

    I can't remember where it came from but the scripture says "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings" I can't exactly remember it verbatim but it still rings true.

  7. That's awesome kids are like sponges. Isn't it great that they have soaked up some useful information:>) God Bless


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