July 30, 2009

Elevate the Reliability of Your Words

Greetings everyone,

Some time after prayer and Word study this morning I began to meditate on God's faithfulness to his Word. God's flawless integrity is unmistakeably clear in that he will always be found following through on what he said. Look at what the estranged prophet Balaam had to say about this:

Numbers 23:19 - God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Of course Balaam had originally been invited by Balak, king of the Moabites, to curse the Israelites in chapter 22. However, as we discover in chapter 23 and onward, Balaam could not curse- but only bless them as the Lord commanded. The Lord had already declared his people blessed (22:12) and he would permit no reversal of that declaration.

Now, at one time or another, we have all heard the saying: "If God said it, He will do it and if He spoke it, He will bring it to pass." This is true and God is certainly to be magnified for such great commitment to his Word. But what about us as believers?

Can people rely on us to follow through on our words? Do we personally honor the words we speak? Of course no one is perfect, and it's obvious that we all forget things spoken at one time or another. However, can we honestly say that more often than not our words are reliable?

As believers, integrated into our calling is the purpose to demonstrate God on the earth. Since God is faithful to His Word, we should be faithful to our words. We are indeed the light of the world and we represent him. God wants people on earth to have 'Heaven-like experiences' by our hands. This is what God intended for us in the beginning. Adam was on the earth what God is in Heaven. It is into this vacuum that I write. We must ensure that the integrity of our words remain intact as God's Word does.

Of course we should be discretionary about what we say as to not create avoidable circumstances. We certainly don't want to put ourselves in any sort of bondage. Moreover, there are times when things we've spoken must be changed or revised to accomodate a changing circumstance or new information. In these circumstances the Holy Spirit will be our guide if sought.

So let today be the day that you make (or renew) the decision to "elevate the reliability of your words."

In His Service,



  1. Slow Cooking DeaconJuly 30, 2009 at 1:37 PM

    Mr. Drapre, you right. folks are suppose to do what thye say. I'm a witness.

  2. I agree, one reason we love and trust God is because he says things and consistently does what he says. What He says and does are parallel. Sometimes we say things and show people something (negative things) totally different. Therefore, people can't rely on our words. In our relationships with people we should always reference our relationship with God and sincerely examine if our words are reliable. And be real about it.

  3. Thats a word up,Yes!! we should keep our words thats all we really have to offer

  4. Minister Draper,
    It never cease to amaze me the word the Lord gives you to feed HIS sheep. I alway enjoy reading the word that God hath impart to you. I definitely agree.we should remain faithful no matter what. We should ALWAYS say what we maen and mean what we say when it comes to the things of God.Consistency is a great thing.
    Lookin foward to reading the Books. AMEN!!

    Agape Love,

  5. And to also add, sometimes one's actions are louder than their words. True, we as believers need to be more accountable for the words that come forth out of our mouth. But sometimes the actions of even the best of us a person overshadow our words. We say one thing and do we really mean what we say. You can say a thing one day and two months down the line, your actions have clearly diverted from the words that proceeded out of your mouth. So I ponder......


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