November 28, 2011

Prelude: The Gospel to the World - Praying For All People

Kingdom citizens, I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and King - Jesus the Christ. My sincerest prayer is that each of you are experiencing the very best that God has for you. Praise God! It's been a great year. I'm sure many of you have had to pray through some really challenging situations, but you made it. And guess what? With each passing day you're still making it. Give God the glory for your progress!
Now, there are two scriptures I want to put before you concerning this new blog series. Grab your Bible.

Matthew 28:18-20 - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

As we approach the final month of this year and embark upon a new one, I'd like to share a few thoughts about what the title of this blog series will mean in the coming months. As noted in the scriptures above, before ending His first earthly ministry Jesus commissioned His followers NOT to preach the gospel exclusively to the Jews and those nearby. His words were simple: The Gospel must go to the entire world. Every human, then and now, would be in need of Christ's message of reconciliation and Kingdom. This is none other than the Great Gospel Commission from the lips of Jesus; fulfilled through the ministry of reconciliation. This ministry is EVERY believers' primary calling or assignment. No matter what role you play in the church; whether you sing, write, teach, preach, usher, etc., this calling is for everyone.

Therefore, it is through this commission that the upcoming posts for this new blog series will derive. They will be called Prayer Posts. The world desperately needs the Gospel which we possess in Christ. For some, we can reach them easily and quickly because of close proximity. For others, the Internet highway and television stretches out and helps us carry the Gospel right into their homes and neighborhoods. However, for some, neither proximity nor the Internet, nor television allows us to reach them. It is only by prayer that the Gospel is heard of them. Through some God-chosen source they come to know the touch and power of God's saving grace and Kingdom. Sadly, it is these precious people who are too often overlooked, disregarded, quickly forgotten, or completely unrecognized. Therefore, I count it an honor and privilege to be reminded by God of such people. Moreover, it will be for these people that we'll be offering up intercessory prayers in these posts.

In the coming weeks I will be posting articles, new releases, or just simply mentioning countries, regions, cities, nations, groups, or individuals mostly outside of the U.S. and minimally mentioned. Some will even be in remote places, far in the backdrop of third-world countries. I invite all of you to join me in prayer for these overlooked, disregarded, forgotten, and likely unrecognized people of our world. They too, need the Lord.

Therefore, there are 12 primary tenets (spiritual & physical) listed below that we'll be praying about concerning them.


Stay tuned as we begin this intercession journey.

In the Service of King Christ,
Min. DsW

November 21, 2011

Overcome Evil With Good

Title: Overcome Evil With Good
Text: Romans 12:19-21
Themes: Good, goodness, service, help, aid, grace, kindness, love
Format: Brieflet
  • Good is the true power that crushes evil.
  • The more often you are a source of blessing for someone else the more often you position yourself to be blessed by God.
  • Ask God to help you remain sensitive to the good you can do to enrich other people's lives.
  • Jesus is our chief example for helping others and doing good.
  • Jesus did something good for people everyday.
  • Jesus helped those who couldn't do something for themselves very often.
  • God has not commissioned one individual to do all the good; only that which is in their power and reach to do.
  • Do especially good to other believers, your enemies, and those who have harmed you. Allow for God to take care of them for their deeds. How, when, and to what extent He deals with them is totally His business AND His authority.
  • No one has done, does, or will do more good than God. Notwithstanding, you do play an important role in how His goodness is seen by others.
  • Doing good is a choice. It's always in your power to do so. No one but you can prevent you from doing good.
  • The more good you do the more good you'll receive from others and God in return.
  • Doing good to others is an investment in your future and your family's.
  • Evil has no power over good. Good is substantially greater than evil.
  • Evil is the intentional absence of good as darkness is the absence of light.
  • Goodness helps people see other goodness.
  • God has given us a mind to think good. He will lead us in good deeds.
  • Since we are born again of His goodness we should always be mindful of showing His goodness.
Think Good!


November 20, 2011

The Soul of Man

Good people,

Unscripted, I just wanted to share a few quick bulleted thoughts inspired by my pastor's series of messages "As My Soul Prospers".
  • The soul comprises the mind, will, emotions, and intellect. Spiritually, it is noted as the flesh.
  • The spirit is what was saved upon one's acceptance of Jesus Christ. It is where the Godhead resides inside of the Christian. It was dead, but has been enlightened or made alive by the salvation of Christ. This process is also called being re-created or renewed. Literally, the spirit was re-created or renewed by God upon salvation.
  • The soul is not saved. It must be renewed, specifically the mind, by the Word of God. It must be directed and retrained by the re-created spirit.
  • Since the soul is not saved it holds on to the memory of wrongs and sins. It will hold on to sins and wrong done to you and by you. If you struggle with remembering wrongs, know that this is the activity of your unsaved soul. Depending on the situation, the soul suppresses the wrongs and sins it has done while magnifying the wrongs and sins done by another.
  • The soul is not a friend. It is highly unstable. It is fickle. It changes several times in several ways. It is never constant or consistent. It must be trained stability by the re-created spirit.
  • All negative, wordly, or sinful influences help confirm the pressure of the soul. The unsaved world is the witness for the soul, whereas the Word of God is the witness of the re-created spirit.
  • Like Jesus Christ, the soul's desires and dictates must be sacrificed and abandoned. This is done on purpose by the spiritual force of the re-created spirit. You must command your soul to be obedient to God.
  • You must take charge over the soul everyday and several times a day to maintain obedience to God.
  • The soul is aggressive and relentless. However, the spirit is always willing to aid.
  • The joy of God is in the spirit whereas happiness comes from the soul.
  • Think up and not down because you're in control of what you think. You can think what you want to think.
  • The soul must be controlled otherwise it will control you. It is demanding. It desires to have free course and range to do whatever it wants with your body. If you're not watchful, it'll make you feel how it wants and do what it wants.
  • The body receives instructions from the spirit or the soul. Actually, either the spirit or soul will control the actions of the body. Which do you allow to control your body most times? You must answer this question to be more like Christ.
  • God knows that humans can't be trusted due to the weakness of the soul. If it is too weak to be trusted by God, why would you trust it? Your mind: what you think can't always be trusted. Your will: what you want can't always be trusted. Your emotions: what you feel can't always be trusted. Your intellect: what you think you know can't always be trusted.
  • When Adam and Eve fell in the garden the soul replaced the then dead spirit as the authority of the body. Satan's channel of influence for man's body is through the soul. When you do, think, or feel wrong it is happening through the soul.
  • The soul wants to be worshipped. It forces worship for itself. The soul is controlling. Controlling people have controlling souls.
God bless,