November 20, 2011

The Soul of Man

Good people,

Unscripted, I just wanted to share a few quick bulleted thoughts inspired by my pastor's series of messages "As My Soul Prospers".
  • The soul comprises the mind, will, emotions, and intellect. Spiritually, it is noted as the flesh.
  • The spirit is what was saved upon one's acceptance of Jesus Christ. It is where the Godhead resides inside of the Christian. It was dead, but has been enlightened or made alive by the salvation of Christ. This process is also called being re-created or renewed. Literally, the spirit was re-created or renewed by God upon salvation.
  • The soul is not saved. It must be renewed, specifically the mind, by the Word of God. It must be directed and retrained by the re-created spirit.
  • Since the soul is not saved it holds on to the memory of wrongs and sins. It will hold on to sins and wrong done to you and by you. If you struggle with remembering wrongs, know that this is the activity of your unsaved soul. Depending on the situation, the soul suppresses the wrongs and sins it has done while magnifying the wrongs and sins done by another.
  • The soul is not a friend. It is highly unstable. It is fickle. It changes several times in several ways. It is never constant or consistent. It must be trained stability by the re-created spirit.
  • All negative, wordly, or sinful influences help confirm the pressure of the soul. The unsaved world is the witness for the soul, whereas the Word of God is the witness of the re-created spirit.
  • Like Jesus Christ, the soul's desires and dictates must be sacrificed and abandoned. This is done on purpose by the spiritual force of the re-created spirit. You must command your soul to be obedient to God.
  • You must take charge over the soul everyday and several times a day to maintain obedience to God.
  • The soul is aggressive and relentless. However, the spirit is always willing to aid.
  • The joy of God is in the spirit whereas happiness comes from the soul.
  • Think up and not down because you're in control of what you think. You can think what you want to think.
  • The soul must be controlled otherwise it will control you. It is demanding. It desires to have free course and range to do whatever it wants with your body. If you're not watchful, it'll make you feel how it wants and do what it wants.
  • The body receives instructions from the spirit or the soul. Actually, either the spirit or soul will control the actions of the body. Which do you allow to control your body most times? You must answer this question to be more like Christ.
  • God knows that humans can't be trusted due to the weakness of the soul. If it is too weak to be trusted by God, why would you trust it? Your mind: what you think can't always be trusted. Your will: what you want can't always be trusted. Your emotions: what you feel can't always be trusted. Your intellect: what you think you know can't always be trusted.
  • When Adam and Eve fell in the garden the soul replaced the then dead spirit as the authority of the body. Satan's channel of influence for man's body is through the soul. When you do, think, or feel wrong it is happening through the soul.
  • The soul wants to be worshipped. It forces worship for itself. The soul is controlling. Controlling people have controlling souls.
God bless,

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