December 30, 2010

Announcing 52 Weeks of Praise!

Greetings everyone,

I am pleased to announce my upcoming blog series - "52 Weeks of Praise" beginning January 2011. I've had this in my heart to do for a few months and determined to start it in the New Year. Praise God, that time has finally come and I'm super excited! This blog series will seek to rediscover and highlight some of the wonderful attributes of the great God that we serve. Oh' how awesome it is to acknowledge His worthiness of continual honor, praise, and adoration. This is sure to be an awesome growing experience in the Word. Please don't forget to contribute with your comments. Your interaction increases the power of what we share! Also, feel free to spread the word via email or social media network (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.) as we celebrate the King. Also, as the weeks go along you’ll be able to find previous blog segments within this series in the Archives. Finally, please follow this blog on Twitter at Wordtime Exposure @ Wordman137 as we spread the gospel together.

In His service,
Min. Draper Wright

NOTE: This series has been moved to publication. Stay tuned for updates.

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