January 5, 2011

"GET Moving"

Greetings everyone,

As my pastor mentioned during this past Watchnight service - This is the year to get moving! Note the following scripture:

Exodus 14:15 - And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.

The Israelites had just left Egypt via Moses' leadership after a series of plagues executed on the Egyptians by God. A short while after their departure, the Egyptian Pharaoh had a change of mind (God's will of course) and began to pursue them. Becoming aware of what they thought to be unavoidable danger, the Israelites began to fear. To make matters worse, the Israelites appeared to be completely trapped. With the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptians behind them, what would they do? It looked like they had no escape route or outlet. Staring them in the face was either death or repression, for a second time, by the Egyptians.

But wait...God was with them...and His Word to them was "that they go forward". Neither retreating or not moving was an acceptable option. Regardless of what it looked like in front of them ~ the Red Sea, they were suppose to move forward. So, are you retreating or being stagnant about something that God has told you to move on? By commanding the Israelites to go forward God was saying that he would take care of the seemingly impassable Red Sea in front of them. To put it simply: the handling of the Rea Sea, His way, was His business- remaining in faith was theirs. This is also true for us. Remaining in faith and trusting God is always our PRIMARY responsibility. No matter what things look like, if God has spoken to you about a  matter, then He has already planned for your success (Jeremiah 1:12, Isaiah 55:11). For the Israelites, it was the promised land flowing with milk & honey awaiting them, but they had to get moving (Exodus 3:8). What blessings and fulfillments are awaiting you? If you've heard "go" from God, then go! He has already prospered your way (Genesis 24:40a).

Please stay tuned for the next blog "GET Growing".

1 comment:

  1. I, too, was blessed by what our pastor shared, and I look forward to seeing the manifestation of what is awaiting those who "Get Moving". Great post, Draper!


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