March 18, 2011

Quick Word: Convenience?

Are you waiting on convenience (a perceived ideal condition, circumstance, or environment)? Is there something or some things that you know you need to do or say that you're waiting on a more convenient time to do so? If so, the convenience that you seek may never come.

From studying the Scriptures and my own life I've discovered that if God is anywhere involved in encouraging you to do or say something, then obeying Him earlier than later is the right choice. Besides, delayed obedience usually means that conditions, circumstances, and/or environments pushed the thing out. Just ask some of our spiritual ancestors like Adam, Abraham, Saul, and David. Even closer than them, think back, and ask yourself!

Folks, no matter if it's good news, bad news, a blessing, reproof or it! Of course, use discretion and God's wisdom, but don't allow that to become an excuse for procrastination.
  • Do what you can when you can.
  • Do what you must when you must.
  • What needs to be said or done will still need to be said or done. God doesn't change His mind that easily!
  • Don't postpone what God is telling you to do or say. It has immediate benefits for you AND the person or persons to be involved. God doesn't have to reveal the benefits to us. After all, He is God, right? :)
  • The convenient time to obey God is always when He tells you. He knows the unrealized conditions, circumstances, and or environments that you can't see. What's not convenient to you might just actually be convenient to Him.



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