March 16, 2011

Quick Word: "Don't Eat It OR Feed It"

Don't Eat What You Don't Like or Need and Don't Feed What You Don't Want to's simple really! God doesn't have a desire to make things difficult for anyone. Allow what's written below to minister to your life and pass it along.

(1) You cannot overcome the devil that you're in the bed with. Put it out the bed of your mind and life!

(2) You cannot overcome the devil you feed. The devil I'm referring to is the 'devil-trained' flesh. The devil-trained flesh is fed primarily through these mediums: eyes (what you look at), ears (what you listen to), mouth (what you say), and mind (what you think). A person voluntarily chooses how to use each of these mediums. What you look at, what you listen to, what you say, and what you think is ALL your choice. Satan himself doesn't even choose for you. You must choose wisely and never blame others for your choice of medium, use of that medium, and the results from the usage. The mediums do not change but you control what information, positive or negative, that constantly flows thru them.

(3) Now, more on the flesh: Your flesh is not saved. If or when you accepted Jesus Christ, your spirit was saved/renewed, but your flesh held steady. The flesh is the old, unregenerated man, the sin nature which was inherited from our first father - Adam.

(4) Don't feed or feed on what you don't like or need. Recognize and/or allow God to reveal to you your fleshy appetites. You can't stop feeding what you don't realize that you have been.

(5)  Don't feed or feed on past hurts. The creation of the wound may've been someone else's fault, but the continuation of the wound is up to you.

(6) A damaged mind likes damaged things! According to Scripture we should allow our minds to be renewed by the Word of God. So, renew and reuse your mind by the Word!

(7) Whatever causes a fire sustains a fire and whatever extinguishes a fire prevents a fire! It has been said that "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires." You can extinguish and prevent fires in your life.

For more insight on this, review blog labels: Discipline, Flesh, Mind, Old Man, Sin Nature, Soul, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Warfare, and Thoughts. See below.



  1. Great Word! It is simple really. Whatever you feed your flesh continually, it's going to crave that's why we can't eat what we don't need or like and we can't feed what we don't want to grow.

  2. Thanks for sharing this "Quick Word"! It's timely and most applicable. I definitely plan on sharing this with others.


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