July 29, 2011

Prelude: The Scope of Patience

Greetings folks,

As another character subject, this time let's take a look at patience. Like anger and zeal which we've previously looked at, this too is a matter of the heart. Since believers are ambassadors, literally representatives of Christ, His patience level and ours should readily be in sync. Ultimately, in the end they will be, but now we all must continually examine ourselves.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself: Would you consider yourself to be a patient person? Would your friends, family members, co-workers, etc. agree with you? Most importantly, would God agree with you? How exactly do you judge patience?

Moreover, for now, consider the following thoughts and questions. We'll talk more about some of these later.
  • When you demonstrate patience; you are also demonstrating faith. Usually, some level of vision is present too.
  • Patience is a natural component of faith (Hebrews 11:1).
  • Consider the Prodigal son's request and the timeliness of it. Anything a person receives too soon may support an inner dysfunction.
  • Technological advances may have an impact on how we view time.
  • Why is patience important to God?
  • What does your patience reveal about you?
  • When, how, and to whom did Jesus demonstrate His patience when He walked the earth? What about God in the Old Testament?
  • Is demonstrating patience a choice? Can it be exhibited by everyone? Can you be patient in one instance and impatient in another?
Stay tuned...

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