May 28, 2012

Fault Lines

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. - Galatians 6:1

According to geologists- those who study the elements and makeup of the earth, a fault line is a long crack in the surface of the earth where earthquakes usually occur. It is the intersection between the fault plane and the Earth's surface.

According to Psalm 51:5, mankind was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. He was born a sinner and completely guilty before God. Yes, before we ever spoke a word, took a step, or rode a bike we were guilty of sin, full of faults, inadequacies, and wickedness. Unfortunately, today many people compare their sins to other people's sins. Some think that because they haven't committed certain sins that they're better off or that their sins are somehow less evil than others. Well, God has something to say about these foolish comparisons:

2 Corinthians 10:12b - ...but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 1 John 5:17a - All unrighteousness is sin...

Moreover, an investigation of our keystone verse [Galatians 6:1] above reveals that when a person has fallen into sin (a fault) or made a mistake, Christians (those who are spiritual) should be compassionately forgiving towards that person. The central thought and disposition shouldn't be to condemn, criticize, or mistreat the person. The person, especially if a Christian, is likely already grappling with remorse, frustration, and/or condemnation from the devil. They don't need our attitude and criticism to make matters worse. Although this should be enough of a command from God to get us to be kind to the violator, God takes the command a step further.

Note the latter part of the verse says, "considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." The interpretation is that what caused the person to fall into sin can also cause you to fall into sin. The reason?! - Each of us possess ALL the ingredients to commit ANY and EVERY sin. Romans 7:18a states, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells NO good thing or nothing good...(emphasis mine). That means that our flesh (unregenerate human nature) is poised to endorse and subscribe to any kind of evil at any time. Yes, ALL sin is already in us. Even as Christians our flesh is still completely evil without remedy. This means, murder, lying, homosexuality, rape, abuse, stealing, envy, jealousy, witchcraft, bestiality, etc. - are all apart of the flesh. We must remember that it is our spirit that is saved, not our flesh!

So in layman's terms what is this whole verse saying? Like the earth, all of us have the SAME fault lines or cracks in our flesh and character where given the right conditions and pressures we'd fall into ANY sin. This is why we can't be critical or condemning of any one's faults. Doing so would be to indirectly suggest that we're incapable of doing the same. Even more, sometimes we're already guilty of having committed the same sin anyway. Just like the right pressure under the surface of the earth causes the fault lines to move; so does the right pressure cause our fault lines to move. Think about this- a moving fault line is called an earthquake. Selah!

Finally, as noted above, mankind was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. He was born a sinner and completely guilty before God, in desperate need of a saviour. That Saviour came in none other than the person Jesus Christ. His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection secured salvation for all who believe in Him by faith (John 3: 16; Romans 10:9-13).

For those of us who do believe and have accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour we are forever saved and will one day be allowed to enter Heaven free from all guilt (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

May we all finalize this reasoning deep within our spirits: since in our flesh we continue to possess the SAME fault lines as others--- let's be patient, forgiving, merciful, and helpful to others who fall into their fault lines.

God bless,

1 comment:

  1. This was a GREAT post, Draper! Too often we forget that sin is not selective. Demonic influences only need "a body" to fulfill their lusts. They don't care what body, so none of us are exempt. LOVE THIS, MAN!!!


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