May 31, 2012

Straight Biblical Talk in a Crooked World

Greetings everyone,

I mentioned in a scheduled tweet earlier today that I'll soon be beginning a blog series that will run concurrent with my other regular topical posts. These new blog posts will speak directly to the heart of many issues that are often overlooked. Unfortunately, sometimes what is continually overlooked comes back to haunt.

For those reading this who are Christians, know that we have inherited victory and blessings from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now we must contend for the faith and press forward to actualize this victory in our everyday lives. Moreover, these posts will not only seek to uncover some of these issues, but to present direct biblical solutions and considerations to help.

As Jesus did when He walked the dusty streets of Galilee and surrounding areas, we too should always be found sharing the truth of God's Word in an uncompromising way. Straight Biblical talk in a crooked world is necessary. Notwithstanding, we don't have to be brash or harsh in our presentation. We just need to ensure that the truth which liberates (if accepted) is shared IN LOVE.

Look forward to the first post of this series coming soon!

God bless,

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