July 21, 2011

Prelude: Zealous- Toward, For, and Because of God

Casual, indifferent, apathetic, passionate, enthusiastic, motivated...

Which of these words (more than one may apply at various times) would describe your attitude, disposition, and behavior concerning God, His principles, and assignments? Whether its teaching a Sunday school class, being kind, praying, giving, studying the Bible, etc. Whether its something done privately or publicly for God- what is your attitudinal stance most times?

Be encouraged and stay tuned...

Next character topic up - Zealousness

1 comment:

  1. You know as of late, I question this very thing about myself. There are moments when I feel I've become too casual when it comes to God. While I've never been one to raise my hands all the time, or dance in the aisles in public demonstrations, I'd spent far more alone time studying, seeking and praising than I do now. Something I know I need to get back to because I know His Word tells me I need to study to show myself approved and I'm nowhere near knowing all there is to know.

    Thank you for yielding to the Spirit because I needed this wake-up.



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