July 27, 2011

Zealous Towards God: He's Worthy of Our Full Devotion

Good day folks,

I hope all is well.

Let's go ahead and dive into our discussion on being zealous toward or for God. As a reminder, this topic is a matter of your heart and apart of my blog series on character. Stay tuned for more in this series. We have several topics that we'll be exploring. Invite others to join in on the discussions.

Now, let's look at a definition for zeal, then the adjective zealous.

Zeal - [1] fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor, [2] fervent or enthusiastic devotion, or [3] an earnest temper; may be enlightened (Num. 25:11-13; 2 Cor. 7:11; 9:2), or ignorant and misdirected (Rom. 10:2; Phil. 3:6). As a Christian grace, it must be grounded on right principles and directed to right ends (Gal. 4:18). It is sometimes ascribed to God (2 Kings 19:31; Isa. 9:7; 37:32; Ezek. 5:13). Zealous - [1] full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent, or [2] filled with or inspired by intense enthusiasm or zeal; ardent; fervent.

So, ladies and gentlemen, the questions on the floor are these: What is your true attitude towards God? How long does it remain there- always, often, rarely, etc.? Are you angry or upset at Him about anything? Are you truly grateful to Him?

Right now, begin to search your heart and determine how you really feel about God. In the privacy of your own prayer mode, share with Him how you feel about Him, what your attitude is toward Him and why. He isn't afraid nor will He become upset if your answer is not fully positive. He's not like that. He just wants to hear from you. He wants to listen to you and hear your side. Unlike humans, God won't interrupt but allow you to fully express yourself before He responds. He's all about meeting you where you are and helping you get to where He's calling you. He already knows what's in your heart but desires that you talk to Him about it. He desires truth on the inside. That's where He places His attention and emphasis according to scripture. Psalm 51:6 declares, "Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being..."

So, after truly searching your heart, if you've determined that your zeal or devotion is not where it should be, let's get it there. God is not going to do this for you. Right now, while reading this- begin to consider everything that God has already done for you. Starting thinking about the things He's currently doing for you. Even your ability to read these words are because of His great sensitive power in your life. All that you can do or think or hear or see - is because He wills it to be so. Even when you forget Him, He remembers you and allows you yet another opportunity to receive His blessings. Everyday, God is better to you than you can imagine, than you can request, than you can think. God has done more for your just TODAY than you can understand. Even now, there are battles going on in the spirit realm where the devil and his forces are against you and your family. None of this you can even see! God is protecting you from these unseen dangers even as you read! Glory! If you're a believer you ought to know this - God prevents more things from occurring in your life than you'll ever know or could count. On average, God blesses you over a million times a day- WITHOUT YOUR REQUEST or RECOGNITION. He just does it! That's just what your physical body and mind does so you can function. That's not to count what He does in the spirit realm on your behalf. Folks, if we only knew the things God handles without our request but on our behalf. We'd be even more amazed with Him.

Trust me, I do understand that things in your life may not be perfect or even comfortable at this moment, but God is still being good to you right now. That may be a challenge to see, but just take a moment and consider what you're able to do. Consider the fact that you're still alive. All hope is never lost with God. Reignite your faith and hope in Him. He can change a situation for your good even at the final hour. Sometimes what's last minute to you is first minute to Him! Know that any trouble or problem you're facing (really it's facing you) could be much, much, worse. The devil really wants to do even greater evil. Further, please believe that what you're experiencing is nothing compared to everything that the devil is attempting. However, God is your defence. He has not given up on you, your circumstance, nothing! He loves you. He wants the best for you. He wants your life to turn out glorious. Decide today to repent and begin to be more grateful for the things that God has already brought you through and over. Your inner zeal and attitude toward Him can change in an instant. Develop a greater heart for God out of gratitude for Him and His inexplicable goodness! The best is still yet to come and even coming now if you receive it by faith. Let this post charge you up again in the spirit and increase your zeal, dedication, and focus toward God. He loves you with everything He has.

Now, for those of you that rightly determined your zeal towards God to be great and proper in the first place, then kudos to you! Stay vigilant and remain that way. God is worth it. He deserves our devotion. Our zeal towards Him should indeed be great because He is so great! 

He is the great God our Creator, sustainer, and blesser!

- The most beautiful people in the world are most beautiful inside. Be beautiful!

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