July 11, 2012

Let God Testify!

Being good or exemplary at anything is always based on the standard by which that thing should be done. For the Christian, we should be known by our good works so that our Father God in Heaven can be glorified in the earth (Matthew 5:16). Although we're imperfect our aim should be towards perfection (Colossians 3:23).

Moreover, our Father God is the only one who can truly and righteously judge whether we're doing well on the things we're suppose to. He is our Father and also our Lord- owner. As our owner, He has the right to evaluate our Christian performance on the earth. Remember, He's ready and willing to help us carry out His will at all times. Just as employers do performance evaluations on their employees periodically, God is also looking at how well we're carrying out His words. He's not just waiting until we get to Heaven to tell us.

Go ahead, ask God today about how well you're doing at what He's placed in your hands or jurisdiction. He's ready and willing to graciously guide you. I asked Him myself a couple of weeks back and got an answer and His guidance almost immediately. Praise God! He helped me.

Now, consider with me how God periodically communicated the result of His oversight of Jesus' life and work while He was still on earth. If you review the scriptures, you can also find others who received God's report about how they were doing with His plans.

Matthew 3:17 - And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
John 5:37 - And the Father who sent me has testified about me himself. You have never heard his voice or seen him face to face.
1 John 5:9 - We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son.
2 Peter 1:17 - For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.

You see, we really can't just go around giving ourselves a ton of rewards, trophies, and pats on the back if God wouldn't testify to our assessments. Sometimes we overstate things in our personal evaluations while at other times we understate them. The point is that our personal evaluations of ourselves can't be fully relied on. The only assessment that matters is God's. Believe what God believes about you and get to know what God knows about you. God's love for you is great and will never change- No matter what! His being pleased with your life and work is a completely different subject. Therefore, this is worth some of our focus. We are alive to please Him.

Today, just simply ask God. He wants to help you please Him. Isn't that wonderful?! He's not out to criticize, kill, or destroy you but wants the best for you in every way. If you ask Him, He'll tell you the truth and provide you with the guidance you need. Praise God!

So what about the roles you play in this life?


Child (living at home): Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good or obedient child based on what He's told you and on what your parent/guardian(s) have rightly told you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Employee: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good employee based on what He's told you and on what your supervisor/employee rightly expects of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Church Member: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good church member based on what He's told you and on what your pastor/church leaders have rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Spouse: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good husband or a good wife based on what He's told you and on what your wife or husband has rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Friend: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're a good friend based on what He's told you and on what your friend(s) have rightly asked of you? Ask God and he'll help you today.

Your Overall Christian Life: Today, as He did with Jesus, would God testify that you're on track to complete what He placed you on earth to accomplish? Ask God and he'll help you today.

So folks, let's cut the personal reward programs out and allow God to judge how well we're doing and help us be able to say at the end of our lives what both Jesus and the Apostle Paul were able to say - "I have finished my course." -  John 19:30, 2 Timothy 4:7

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. It's such a good thing to regularly settle ourselves to hear GOD's evaluation of our work. Ironically, there are two times in the year that this occurs for me: around my birthday and the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. For some reason, those work for me and GOD is faithful to provide me that feedback I seek from Him. Great post, Draper!


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