August 2, 2012

If God Was Like You...

"You cannot love God and hate people at the same time. If you truly desire a heavenly experience with God here on earth, provide others with a heavenly experience."

Folks, may we never become weary of working with God to become better representatives of Him. He is counting on us to continually reveal what He is like to others.

Think with me for a moment...

If God Was Like You...would you love Him?

Consider the following:
  • If God only gave to you as you give to others, would you love Him?
  • If God's job/career was to take care of you and He did it the same way you take care of your job/career, would you love Him?
  • If God was a parent to you like you are to your children, would you love Him?
  • If God withheld forgiveness from you as you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God retaliated against you in the ways (subtle or direct) that you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God stopped talking to you or acted funny every time He wasn't pleased with your actions, would you love Him?
  • If God failed to respond to your needs in the same way you fail to respond to the needs of others, would you love Him?
  • If God avoided you like you avoid others, would you love Him?
  • If God was hard to deal with as you are sometimes, would you love Him?
  • If God gossiped about you behind your back like you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as unreliable as you are at times, would you love Him?
  • If God didn't support you as you don't others, would you love Him?
  • If God forgot you as you do the things done for you by others, would you love Him?
  • If God didn't protect you or your character as you don't others, would you love Him?
  • If God knew He could help you but purposely chose not to as you do others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as critical of you as you are of others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as impatient with you as you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was dishonest with you like you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God disrespected you as you do with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was quickly angered with you as you are with others, would you love Him?
  • If God was as ______ as you, would you love? You fill in the blank
Now I know reading some of those bullets may have been challenging if you really stopped and considered them (and you should have). Nevertheless, don't despair. Yes, Biblical self-examination must go deep in order to be effective but God really wants to help you be all that you should.

Remember Philippians 4:13 - is a promise from God to help us achieve our very best.

So people of God, the message is simple: If you wouldn't love God if He acted like you, why not start changing to act like Him?

Today, challenge yourself to grow up in a way that you wouldn't yesterday. You, God, and ultimately others will be glad you did!



  1. We all need such reminders as this... Thanks for sharing these "challenging" questions, Draper!


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