June 6, 2011


Greetings saints,

To begin this blog segment, let's review the Biblical commentary of theologian Albert Barnes on Ephesians 4:26-27 - Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Neither give place to the devil.

Anger is sinful in the following circumstances: (1) When it is excited without any sufficient cause - when we are in no danger, and do not need it for a protection. We should be safe without it. (2) When it transcends the cause, if any cause really exists. All that is beyond the necessity of immediate self-protection, is apart from its design, and is wrong. (3) When it is against or greater toward “the person” rather than the “offence.” The object is not to injure one another; it is to protect ourselves. (4) When it is attended with the desire of “revenge.” That is always wrong; Rom.12:17, Rom.12:19. (5) When it is cherished and heightened by reflection. And, (6) when there is an unforgiving spirit; a determination to exact the utmost satisfaction for the injury which has been done."

Over the next few blog posts we will examine some of these thoughts in detail.
  • You cannot hold on to and release something at the same time. Neither can you grasp what should be held on to.
Part I next...

1 comment:

  1. Well alright now...I do believe it's Word Time!!! I'm looking forward to reading the posts to follow, Draper.


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